We aim to develop a faculty where every pupil is valued and can achieve their full potential in a safe & enjoyable learning environment, enabling them to make a positive contribution to the faculty and to the school as a whole. We aim to make using technology fun, exciting and relevant and equip students with skills for life.
Subjects include
- Design and Technology
- Engineering
- Food
- Art
Curriculum overview
- KS3 Design Technology – 1 lesson per week
- KS3 Art – 1 lesson per week
- KS3 Food – 1 lesson per week
- KS4 – All subjects 3 lessons per week, plus additional lesson 6 sessions at Y11
Options offered at KS4
- GCSE Design Technology (AQA)
- Technical Award Level 1/2 in Engineering (NCFE)
- Technical Award Level 1/2 in Food and Cookery (NCFE)
- GCSE Art and Design (AQA)
Design and Technology
- Year 7 – Table Cricket Bat, AVRO Glider, Desk Tidy
- Year 8 – Jewellery Box, Speaker Box, Perspective Drawing
- Year 9 – Pewter Jewellery, T-Shirt Design, Architectural Design
- GCSE Design Technology – Research and Design Movements: Memphis Clock, Sketching and CAD Modelling: Game Controller, 3D Printing and Electronics: Mini Lamp: Year 11 – Design and Make Portfolio NEA 50%, Exam 50%.
- NCFE Technical Award in Engineering – Content area 1: Engineering disciplines Content area 2: Applied science and mathematics in engineering Content area 3: Reading engineering drawings Content area 4: Properties, characteristics and selection of engineering materials Content area 5: Engineering tools, equipment and machines Content area 6: Hand-drawn engineering drawings Content area 7: Computer-aided design (CAD) engineering drawings Content area 8: Production planning techniques Content area 9: Applied processing skills and techniques.
- Year 7 – Food Hygiene, Safety in the Kitchen, Kitchen Equipment and uses, Basic cooking skills: knife skills, boiling, simmering, baking, weighing, measuring, literacy/numeracy.
- Year 8 – Healthy eating: Eat well Guide, Understanding food groups, sources and nutrients they supply, How to plan and prepare healthy balanced meals in line with current governmental dietary advice.
- Year 9 – Nutrition through life: Understanding the changes in nutritional requirements at main life stages, Italian Project: Focusing on creating dishes that meet the nutritional needs of a teenager, Savoury Baking project: Focusing on nutrition and artistic adaptation, Factors affecting food choices: Adapting recipes to suit a range of customers.
- NCFE Technical Award in Food and Cookery – Content area 1: Health and safety relating to food, nutrition and the cooking environment Content area 2: Food legislation and food provenance Content area 3: Food groups, key nutrients and a balanced diet Content area 4: Factors affecting food choice Content area 5: Food preparation, cooking skills and techniques Content area 6: Recipe amendment, development and evaluation Content area 7: Menu and action planning for completed dishes.
KS4 – NCFE Technical Award in Food and Cookery:
- Demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning, preparing and cooking using a large variety of food commodities, cooking techniques and equipment.
- develop knowledge and understanding of the functional properties, scientific principles and the nutritional content of food and drink ingredients.​
- understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the biological and psychological effects of poor diet and health. ​
- understand the economic, environmental, ethical, and socio-cultural influences on food availability, production processes, and diet and health choices.
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities and microbiological food safety considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food.​
- understand and explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions (traditional British and international), to inspire new ideas or modify existing recipes.
- Year 7 – Mark making and Portraiture, Sculpture and the environment, Illustration and Ceramics Project.
- Year 8 – Natural forms and Printmaking. Photorealism and observational drawing. Pop Art and political art. Surrealism inspired hybrid creatures.
- Year 9 – Printmaking, Abstract art and ceramics, character design and multi- media.
- GCSE Art and Design: Year 10 – Workshop based activities as part of the GCSE Art and Design Unit 1, Drawing, painting and printmaking. Ceramics project research and experimentations. Year 11 – Portraiture and Identity (Unit 1) and Unit 2 Externally Set Task.
Faculty of Technology (including Art)
- Mr S. Bentley – Head of Technology and Engineering
- Miss J. Spencely – Head of Art
- Mr J. Riley - Head of Design & Technology
- Ms C. Doyle – Food Technology Teacher / Associate Assistant Headteacher
- Mr L. Crowther – Food Technology Teacher
- Mr D. Hussain – Design & Technology Teacher
- Mr J. Hyde – Design & Technology Teacher
- Mr B. Sumner – Art Teacher / Acting Head of Art
- Ms A. Bennett - Art Teacher