
Our Expectations

From September 2024, morning registration starts at 8.30am. Your son should aim to be in school by 8.20am.Excellent attendance is linked to both students’ happiness and their academic achievements in school.

At Burnage Academy for Boys we want all our students to attend school on time, every day so that they give themselves the best chance of being successful. We expect 100% attendance from all our children and our minimum attendance target is 97%.

We regularly celebrate the success of our pupils’ attendance through reward certificates and badges and our attendance rates are high.

Absence From School

All absences must be reported through the absence hotline by 9am on each day. Absences will not be authorised for a full day in the case of a temperature or headache.

Medical evidence may also be requested to authorise absences, particularly where there are on-going attendance concerns. Without this absences may be recorded as unauthorised which may lead to a prosecution.

Where possible we encourage all medical appointments to be kept outside school hours. Where this is not possible students must come into school with evidence of the appointment, sign out and then return back to school after the appointment where possible.

A full day will not be authorised for routine medical appointments at the GP, dentist etc.

Requests for Extended Absence

If you wish to take your son out of school for an extended period you must make a request in writing to the Headteacher at least two weeks before the start of the absence. The Headteacher considers all requests carefully and we will contact any other schools where siblings attend to liaise with them. You will then receive a decision in writing. If you continue with your planned leave if it has been refused you may be issued with a Penalty Notice. If you take your son out of school without making a request, the absence will automatically be unauthorised. In this case, you are likely to be issued with a Penalty Notice.

A Penalty Notice will incur a fine of £120 per child per parent, which will be reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days.

Parents of students who incur 5 sessions (2.5 days) of unauthorised absence will be issued with a warning letter. If there is further unauthorised absence following a warning letter a Penalty Notice and or prosecution will be requested from the local authority.

Persistent Absence from School

Students with less than 90% attendance are considered a ‘persistent absentee’ and will be monitored closely by school with relevant support in place.

Punctuality to School

Students must be in their form room for 8.25am. Any students arriving after the start of registration at 8.25am will be marked present but will be given an L mark. Any student arriving after 8:55am will be recorded as U mark. A U mark is classed as 0.5 days absence.

If arriving after the close of registration at 8.50am, students must immediately to report to student reception to record their presence and time of arrival. It is essential for health and safety reasons and to ensure that parents and carers receive accurate attendance information.

Pupils who are late for school will be placed in a 25 minute reflection at lunchtime, and are expected to attend independently. The reflection extends to 35 minutes after school the following day if they fail to attend. Further interventions will be explored for students who are persistently late.

Further Information

For more information about our attendance policy including attendance data, categories of absence, parental responsibilities and liabilities etc please see our School Policies page.