Grade MPS – UPS
Deadline for applications: 9.00am on 22/05/2024
Interviews: 24/05/2024
Job Description
The postholder will be responsible to the Headteacher, via the Head of Faculty for: Performing Arts
Main Tasks
- Making an effective contribution, by way of the classes which have been allocated, to the teaching commitments of the school in line with the school's curriculum policy and departmental requirements.
- To promote a positive approach to Drama and ensure that all statutory requirements in Drama are met.
- Taking responsibility for the work, behaviour and progress of pupils in the classes which are allocated to the teacher, in line with policies and procedures for the department and the school.
- Participating in the development of appropriate schemes of work which correspond with the School and Faculty policies for curriculum and teaching methodology with an emphasis on pupils’ progress, which have regard for the National Curriculum.
- Assisting in the implementation of programmes for the assessment of students as determined by the Faculty in the light of the requirements of the school and the National Curriculum. To regularly mark pupils' work in line with the requirements of the school and the subject department in line with ensuring pupils make progress. To participate in the school's scheme for the recording and reporting of pupils' achievements.
- Sharing in the responsibility for the security of resources, specialist areas, stock, and equipment allocated to the postholder.
- Participating in the school's agreed scheme for Appraisal.
- Liaising with Form Teachers, and Pastoral Staff in promoting the interests of all students, especially those with Special Educational Needs, in dealing with problems and difficulties which may arise.
- Attending such meetings as may be necessary in connection with the post, eg Departmental and Faculty meetings, and Parent Consultation meetings.
- Contributing to the production of records, statistics, and reports (including those to Parents as required under the relevant Education Act) for the Headteacher, or Head of Faculty as required.
- Co-operating in the correct implementation of Health and Safety regulations including those relating to the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) in areas associated with the postholder's responsibilities.
Additional Responsibilities
- All teachers at Burnage Academy for Boys are expected to be involved in the organisation and development of Pastoral Work (care, welfare, guidance, and counselling), and to act as Form Tutors if required, in accordance with the general Job Description of Form Tutor.
- All teachers will be expected to carry out a share of supervisory duties in accordance with published duty rosters.
- All teachers will be expected to capture accurately punctuality and attendance information of the students that they teach.
- Job Descriptions for all posts in the school will be subject to review and may be modified after proper consultation with the holder of the post.
- The above responsibilities and duties are subject to the policies for Equal Opportunities, of the school, and to the provisions made by the school for the implementation of these policies.
- The above responsibilities and duties are subject to the general duties and responsibilities contained in the Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act 1987.
- In addition to the duties which are specified in the Job Description a teacher may asked to undertake such responsibilities as the Headteacher, Governors and Trustees may reasonably require which are consistent with the statutory and contractual duties of a teacher.
Teacher of Drama
Person Specification
- The ability to organise, plan and prepare structured lessons, providing for individual differences.
- An empathy with young people and a willingness to work hard to motivate and encourage them in developing a love of the subject.
- The ability to organise and teach lessons with flair and imagination.
- An ability to communicate effectively with parents, pupils and other staff to produce written and verbal reports as required.
- An ability to incorporate a variety of teaching and learning styles into teaching and to be keen to take advantage of the Drama and I.T. facilities in the school.
- The enthusiasm to take part in whole school issues, policies and activities.
Knowledge and Understanding
- An appropriate qualification and background in English.(Qualified Teacher Status)
- An appropriate understanding of the standards required by the National Curriculum, GCSE, and other KS4 courses, and the ability to assess pupils against these.
- High standards of expectation of all pupils.
Work related circumstances
- Applicants should have good personal organisational skills.
- Applicants must be able to contribute to the development work of the department.
- There must be a commitment to implement school policy on matters relating to pupils, guidance, welfare, school rules, etc.
- All work is done in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Policy of the school.
Willingness to consent to and apply for an enhanced disclosure: a willingness to abide by GDPR requirements